Thursday, July 24, 2008


This woman has been a great influence in my life. If it weren't for her, I don't know where I'd be right now. This is the woman who ultimately raised me from an infant to the person that I am now. She taught me to cook (or tried to), to take care of myself and also to crochet. She always said that I needed to learn to do a little bit of everything, 'cause you never know when you'll need to know it. She's a wise woman. She's a woman who has endured more than any one person should ever have to; she's lost her parents, her husband, and most tragically, all four of her children, and she's still the strongest person I know.

Granny was always there for me when my mom wasn't and still to this day, IS MY ROCK!!! She's never judged me nor my actions, maybe not always agreed with them, but never once has she distanced herself from me because of something stupid that I've done.

I try to call her everyday so that she knows someone is thinking of her -
I love her so much and I never want to loose her. My life would never be the same without her in it!!!!!


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hangin' Out - with ghosts

Check out the blob in the upper right corner of this pic....Could it be a spirit? I've always heard that spirits can be caught with a camera.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

NOTE: to self

Please remember to invite BMO and kids to swim, this season preferably.


[you need to bring Asa and Carlee, and Gran, of course up here to enjoy my company, for a change!!!!!!! It's the same distance from here to there, no matter which direction you are traveling and it's downhill from here back home - so maybe you can coast all the way back :-)]

Friday, July 18, 2008

Yard Sale FANATIC!!

Anyone who knows the "real" me, knows that I LOVE YARD SALES!!! So imagine my surprise when I woke this a.m. to find just 30 feet from my front door, Heaven!! The worst thing was there was NOT one thing that I wanted!!!! But for the computer geeks, the place was packed with anything from wireless routers, keyboards, monitors, laptops - I'm guessing just about anything you could imagine!!! Anyway, this mans' trash was NOT this womans' treasure.....better luck tomorrow!!!!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


What do you mean, my vacations over already? Why does a week absolutely FLY by when you are on vacation, and when you're at work, a week seems like an eternity? Oh, well, we've made the best of it!!!

We've definately had to endure the HEAT of the summer this week!!!!!
THANK GOODNESS for the pool!!